Curriculum vitae

The eternal question: what defines someone? The profession? The interests? Personal life? Ambitions or dreams?
He has been a primary school teacher since 1990.
He is married, has two brothers, 11 first cousins, 5 nephews, 1 son, 1 stepdaughter and 1 grandson.
In 2015, he completed five years of study in Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Phytotherapy, at the University of Chinese Medicine, in Lisbon, with a final grade of 14.9.
He has a degree in Biology/Geology (via teaching) from the University of the Azores with a final grade of 15.
Since 2005, he has been coordinator of the Health Education project, training trainers in the area of Sexual Education.
He dedicated himself throughout his life to various cultural and artistic activities.
She has been practicing Chinese Medicine since January 2013 in Sintra.
Academic and Professional Qualifications
2010/15 - Course of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Phytotherapy with a classification of 14.9 values.
1989/90 - Degree in Biology/Geology (via teaching) at the University of the Azores with a grade of 15.
Free Courses
2019 - Reviewing TCM Articles for evidence-based synthesis - a systematic approach - Course pre-congress WCATCMXXI on November 8 under the guidance of Sandro Graça and Paulo Mascarenhas.
2019 - Diagnostic Seminar by Facial Recognition on March 16
2018 - Importance of Chinese Dietetics from March 18 to March 17 under Ina Diolosa at the University of Chinese Medicine.
2018 -Seminar on Male Sexual Pathologies on March 22 under the guidance of Ma Fan at the University of Chinese Medicine.
2017 - TCM Mindmapping Seminar with Dr. Claude Diolosa on March 25th and 26th, 2017 in Lisbon.
2014 - Seminar on Chinese Dietetics on May 24 under the guidance of Sílvia Del Quema at the University of Chinese Medicine.
2012 - Tui Na Prático II under the supervision of Bruno Palma and Helena Mendes at the University of Chinese Medicine.
2011 - Tui Na Prático I under the supervision of Bruno Palma and Helena Mendes at the University of Chinese Medicine.
Conferences and Conferences
2019 – National TNC Convention - organized on October 27 by several TNC associations
2019 - 1st World Congress of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the 21st century - 12 hours
2018 – 1st National Congress of TNC- organized on October 28 by several TNC associations.
2016 - 10th APPA International Congress - organized by APPA on 2 and 3 April - Lisbon.
2012 - International Chinese Medicine Congress - organized by APPA and PEFOTS on 24th and 25th November - Lisbon.
2012 - 2nd Conference on Chinese Medicine - organized by APPA on March 3rd and 4th - Lisbon.
2010 - 1st Day of Autumn Chinese Medicine - organized by APPA on 21.Jan - Lisbon.
Professional experience
2013 - Practices Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Tui Na (Chinese Medicine) in Sintra.
2012/13 - PAS Volunteer - Social Support Project in Almeirim, with consultations and acupuncture treatments.
Professor of the Definitive Appointment Board of Basic Education since 1991/92.
1988/89 - Monitor of the chair of Animal Physiology of the Biology/Geology course (via teaching) at the University of the Azores.
1987/88 - Collaboration in the Entomopathology Section, during a year in the Biological Control Program for the Japanese Beetle on Terceira Island.
Scientific and pedagogical area
Positions held
2017/... – Coordinator of the Mathematics Subdepartment of the Agrupamento de Escolas D. Carlos I in Sintra, Portugal.
2008/10 - Coordinator of the Health Education Project of the D. Carlos I School Group – Sintra, Portugal.
2006/08 – Coordinator of the Sexual Education Project of the Agrupamento de Escolas D. Carlos I – Sintra, Portugal.
2009/10 – Chairman of the Provisional General Council of the D. Carlos I School Group – Sintra, Portugal
2005/09 – President of the Assembly of the D. Carlos I School Group – Sintra, Portugal
2005/06 – Coordinator of the Working Group on Sexual Education of the Agrupamento de Escolas D. Carlos I – Sintra.
Missions and Working Groups
1989 - Collaboration in the organization of the workshop on Japanese beetle and microbiological control of insects, at the University of the Azores, September 1 to 15, 1989, which was attended, as guests by Profs. Doctors C. Laumond, Station de Recherches de Nematologie et Genétique Moleculaire des Invertébrés, INRA, Antibes, França, M. Klein, Horticultural Insects Research Laboratory, OARDC, OSU, USA, and Donald Roberts, Insect Pathology Resource Center, Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, USA.
1988 - Collaboration in the organization of the workshop on the Japanese beetle and microbiological control of insects, at the University of the Azores with the presence of Profs. Doctors C. Laumond, Station de Recherches de Nematologie et Genétique Moleculaire des Invertébrés, INRA, Antibes, França, M. Klein, Horticultural Insects Research Laboratory, OARDC, OSU, USA, and R. Gaugler, Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, USA .
1986 - Participation in the Youth Science Meeting in Lisbon with the work "Territorialidade" distinguished with an Honorable Mention.
Training Actions
2010 - Sexual Education in the Integral Training of Young People - Training Action at the Sintra Association of Schools Training Center by Anabela von Hafe Martins - 25 hours.
2010 - Coaching Course for Teachers - by Mind Solution by Cristina Infante Borges - 20 hours.
2008 - Training Course for Trainers in Sex Education by the APF - Family Planning Association - 180 hours
1989/90 - Entomoparasitology Internship at the Biology Department of the University of the Azores presenting a dissertation on "Immune defences in Galleria mellonela L. (Lepidoptera: Piralidae)"
1987 - Two-week internship in Ethology at ISPA and at the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon. JNICT Scholarship Holder
Culture and Audiovisuals
Video Making
2021 - Journey of Light – making a video about the journey of a photon from the Sun to Earth.
2020/... - Youtube channel with several didactic videos for the 2nd cycle of basic education, on Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
2000/02 – Production of several institutional documentaries in the area of professional training.
1999 - Youth and Environment - scripting and directing a documentary for the Local Development Association VICENTINA (Lagos).
2003 - Historical and cultural heritage of the Assembly of the Republic - production of the documentary for the Parliament Channel of the Assembly of the Republic.
2008 - Let's brush the teeth - script and production of the documentary for the Directorate-General for Health.
Writing and Theater Directing
2005 – Author and director of the children's play "Tomé em Grande" premiered on November 8 at Teatro Camões – Lisbon.
2005 – Author and director of the children's mini-play "O Sonho de Robert" about the life of Baden-Powell, premiered on November 19, 2006, at the headquarters of Grupo 93 - Associação de Scouts de Portugal in Sintra.
2004 – Author and director of the children's play "A Caminho da Comilónia" premiered on November 12 aboard a bus in progress at Parque Florestal do Monsanto – Lisbon.
2002 – Author and director of the children's play "A Viagem do Tomé" premiered on December 2 at the Há-de-Ver Theater – Lisbon.
2002 – Author and director of the play for children “A Escolha do Tomé” premiered on March 3 at Teatro Maria Matos - Lisbon
1999 – Author of the script for the animation “O Palácio da Banda Desenhada” for the Bedeteca de Lisboa.
Literary Writing
2009 – "Serafim, the snail in a hurry" - children's story in author's edition.
2015 - "Pérola de Nassíria" - e-book published on iBooks