It will above all be maturing as a human being, dealing with life and understanding it. Is it, above all, looking at a child or young person, as a complete human being, as the materialization of life and understanding them in their entirety?
Cillian Murphy is an Irish actor, with a vast film career with particularly challenging roles.
In early 2024, Cillian gained great prominence for playing the role of Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the American atomic bomb, whose first launch took place in the skies of Japan over the cities of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
In an interview with the CBS program "60 Minutes", he recalled, regarding being an actor, a conversation he had, very early in his career, with one of Sidney's, Sidney Lumet or Sydney Pollack.
You will have been told that: "It takes 30 years to make an actor. It's not just the technique or the experience. It's above all the maturing as a human being, trying to deal with life and understand it."
Cillian adds and concluded: "When you've been doing this for 30 years you'd expect that we'd already have all this accumulated. So we've reached a point where we can now be reasonable actors."
Could the same be said of a teacher? Could it be that, with 30 years of experience, we can already be good teachers?
It's not just about technique or teaching. It will be, above all, maturing as a human being, dealing with life and understanding it. It will certainly be looking at a child or young person as a complete human being, as the materialization of life and understanding them in their entirety.
When you have been in the profession for 34 years, 3000 students, 25,000 hours of classes, can we already be a reasonable teacher?
But is it necessary to wait so many years?
Isn't it possible to be a good teacher first?
What is the secret?
And this question doesn't apply to any profession?
And by the way, do we have to be old to be wise?
© Eduardo Rui Alves